
Showing posts from May, 2009

Ther was a (white) Ghost!!

Mood: Drowsy Its Saturday morning..No worries of office and 2 days of off so no wonder i m feeling drowsy & lazy early morning. Long ago Probably whn i ws in 1st Std i guess...Its a small village called Shirva(also known as Manchakal) Well, I m sorry my frnd Pady wanna go to movie "Angels n Demons" so get ack to ya later byee:) I m Back !!! Ultimaaaaate movie..!! Grt one! Watch it:) okay nw getting back to the story of past days.. There were around 5 guys, my bro Prithvi & his classmates + a lil kid Me!:) We all(in fact thy all!!) decided to go for jogging each day early in d moring @5am. I dnt no wht influenced thm to start this deal but thy decided to start it. Lil kid Me as usual started to shout tht even i wanna go with mah bro.. okie d big boys agreed & our jogging started at 5am!! It ws planned to go till a place caled "Tuppa paade" nearly 1-2KM frm mah its d 1st day we all got up at 5am with grt difficulty n finally finished with our jog

Noida i-mage

Mood: Fresh "NOIDA" thts wher i m wrking/staying these days. A completely new place for me thus lots of things to explore:) New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, or Noida, is a department of the government of Uttar Pradesh in Gautam Buddha Nagar District in India. Noida came into existence on 19th April; 1976.It was developed near Delhi in the 1970s as a modern industrial city under the UP Industrial Area Development Act, 1976. NOIDA has now emerged as a planned, integrated, modern Industrial City, well connected to Delhi through a network of roads, national highways and the ultra - modern DND flyover, offering inter - road linkages to all parts of the country. Spread over many sectors fully developed, NOIDA offers a pollution free high standard of living and highly supportive industrial environment with its unique infrastructure providing numerous, matchless facilities. Today, it stands as an enviable monument of the concept of integrated Industrial Township in the wor

My Friend ASIMO:)

Mood: Its 2am But Eyes still wide Open! ASIMO!! Can never forget u buddy:) Yup, A humanoid Robot but for me Its like a frnd:) Ther s a deep relation betn me & ASIMO and it all started when I was in Final sem f en gineering @nitte & we had to give a semior on any topic. After lots of R&D i ws facinated by this Cute&Intteligent humanoid robot from Honda,japan - ASIMO. For nearly 2 months I have completely immersed myself in studying about ASIMO, i ws intrestd to know about it bcaz of my intrest on this lil wonder than Its my seminar topic..I didnt really study for my sessionals during these days but daly i ws spending time for ASIMO, searching for its video's , lil bit of infos, sites, blogs everything. I had around 4GBs of materials of this cute boy! I wld definately love to own a ASIMO in near future:) With this intro for this post, i wld like to give just the basic info about ASIMO. I am not going to give any deep info about this machine in this space as this blog

Evening's Story

Mood : Sleepy Its d story of a weekday..luckily i was free by 7PM in d eveng n rushed towards my home frm office...Same time my tummy ws knocking frm inside giving a clear indication tht i shld feed myself!!! 1st of al i ws very happy to leave my office so soon( usually i come out aftr 9 itself!!!) + my mind was thinking vch movie to see tonite! so without bothering much i directly went into hotel n ordered Moday's spl Mysoore Masala + A sweet dish + A sprite n ws enjoying all f thm simultaneously!!! It just tuk 14 & half min for me to hog thm all!! And the bill came with a total amout of 75buks.. Now comes d tragedy boss!!!!.. Yes I do hv a wallet..a brand new leather one but unfortunately i 4got to withdraw any cash tht morng n i hardly had 15 rs tht too adding the coins!! A fully crowded Hotel everybody njoying the food, joking talking murmuring laughing n many more faces but in d middle of all thts ME sweating all over n feeling embarrassed n thinking wht to do nxt! The wai

My musings on the universe!

Mood: Thinking Logical & Scientific In this universe every particle likes to spend its least energy or it wants to be free without any force or tension. Now the actual part. See the water drop, see the atoms of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, uranium etc, (of course you can’t see them. But at least imagine them!), earth, moon, stars, planets. What is the shape? Sphere! Spherical ball!! Illustration: if you throw a cup of water from 3rd floor of a building, after a few distance water will spit into shape of small spherical ball…why?! It is because in that shape any particle will spend least energy. Imagine an atom, it is formed of p, n, e, mesons etc. They all combined to form a sphere shape. Think why it is not like a rectangle, square, triange etc??? Thus atoms, molecules, earth, moon, stars, even our whole universe is spherical in shape!! We can compare this conclusion with that of Hubble’s saying that ‘the universe is like a balloon which encloses galaxies, stars etc which is expa

The Famous Sajjige Rotti/Suji Roti

Mood: Thirsty( So having a lime soda) :) U guys might be thinking tht i might be referring to some famous hotel/restaurant/dhaba for the Dish mentioned in the caption. I m telling u, u r absolutely wrong! I m reffering to mah self!! Yup The famous sajjige rotti/Suji roti prepared by Me!! U didnt belive right haha every one's view ws d same including mah mom.No body ever thought it wil be gud enuf to heat by humans!! BUT my dear frnds tht ws d day whn i proved everybody wrong:) I ws at shailesh's home as saturday s off frm office 4 me, i ws bored n alone bcaz shailesh & his room mate both had gone 4 office, my frnd paddy had gone to blore n i ws bit tired n hungry aftr my wrk,study,fun vit my lappy.. Ther ws noting intresting in fridge & i ws nt feel lik eating my regular junk fuds such as pizza,burger,chats or puffs.. Suddenly it stiked the Sajjige(Suji/Bombay Rava) vch ws lying ther frm many days. Though i belived tht i knew hw to make rotti frm it i ws too lazy to giv

The First Task!

Mood: Fresh&Sharp ('-') The 1st task! Wht it can be othr dan creating a blog! Dnt kno y frm last week suddenly my mind got diverted frm my regular passtimes of Orkut& Yahoo messanger & started thinking to create a so called "Blog" Well, actually it all started after reading the news of "FAKE IPL PLAYER'S BLOG" in newspaper, KKR team s losing every match n this blog ws coming out daily with intresting posts. At the corner of the site ther ws a link saying :"create a blog" and it ws free!!! So thts d begining of this blogging madness.. Started searching for various blogs, templates n posts & thought let me too start somthing of this kind!! So a blog got a kick with a name 'varunecblogs' but i ws more intrestd in the HTML page designing thn making a successful blog with grt Posts&Writing.. I dnt kno HML coding wht next.. ? Obviously - Study Task! It ws 12.45am at night, mobile ws ringing @ a home near Rajendra Place Met