Ther was a (white) Ghost!!

Mood: Drowsy Its Saturday morning..No worries of office and 2 days of off so no wonder i m feeling drowsy & lazy early morning. Long ago Probably whn i ws in 1st Std i guess...Its a small village called Shirva(also known as Manchakal) Well, I m sorry my frnd Pady wanna go to movie "Angels n Demons" so get ack to ya later byee:) I m Back !!! Ultimaaaaate movie..!! Grt one! Watch it:) okay nw getting back to the story of past days.. There were around 5 guys, my bro Prithvi & his classmates + a lil kid Me!:) We all(in fact thy all!!) decided to go for jogging each day early in d moring @5am. I dnt no wht influenced thm to start this deal but thy decided to start it. Lil kid Me as usual started to shout tht even i wanna go with mah bro.. okie d big boys agreed & our jogging started at 5am!! It ws planned to go till a place caled "Tuppa paade" nearly 1-2KM frm mah its d 1st day we all got up at 5am with grt difficulty n finally finished with our jog...