The Famous Sajjige Rotti/Suji Roti

Mood: Thirsty( So having a lime soda) :)

U guys might be thinking tht i might be referring to some famous hotel/restaurant/dhaba for the Dish mentioned in the caption. I m telling u, u r absolutely wrong! I m reffering to mah self!! Yup The famous sajjige rotti/Suji roti prepared by Me!! U didnt belive right haha every one's view ws d same including mah mom.No body ever thought it wil be gud enuf to heat by humans!! BUT my dear frnds tht ws d day whn i proved everybody wrong:)

I ws at shailesh's home as saturday s off frm office 4 me, i ws bored n alone bcaz shailesh & his room mate both had gone 4 office, my frnd paddy had gone to blore n i ws bit tired n hungry aftr my wrk,study,fun vit my lappy.. Ther ws noting intresting in fridge & i ws nt feel lik eating my regular junk fuds such as pizza,burger,chats or puffs.. Suddenly it stiked the Sajjige(Suji/Bombay Rava) vch ws lying ther frm many days. Though i belived tht i knew hw to make rotti frm it i ws too lazy to giv it a try and 2day s d day to try innovation.

I quickly ran to market vch is exactly 11 n half steps away frm d home n bought the required items. Whn i ws returning shailesh ws parking the car n ws surprised to see vegitables in mah hand. He asked me in his usual humour filled talk 'Hw cm u bought vegs hope u know y it s used!!' I said "yes mah bro i do know n 2day u r goin to taste the delicious Sajjige rotti made by me". Thts it he started to sweat( i m not sure is it due to d 43.7 degree weather or by my words!!)
Mood: Lazy( Feel like hw much more to type!)
Well dats it, i didnt say anything else as i ws focused only on making part of it.
Nw its d step by step oration on "Hw to make tasty Suji roti"

Jus simple 5 step.

Clean all the vegitables in clean water to maintain hygiene
2=> We need Green chilly+Ginger+Carrot+Coriander leaves+Onion & of course Sajjige as main ingredient

3=> Take a cup of sajjige in a vessel in pour a cup of water, chop onions+ginger+coriander+cut a couple of chillies n mix it in vessel along with salt to taste & sajjige.
4=> Take a non-stick tava, put a lil of ghee/oil/butter n slowly put the Sajjige mix into tava to make rotti.(Remember its a thick mix unlike dosa mix)

5=> Design the top with with chopped carror & warm it mild flame. Witin 5-7min delicious rotti is ready to eat:)

Nw its d time to serve it to shailesh, I ws bit worried about salt but i ws pretty confident of d taste. Well, shailesh's face ws like a big Qn mark whn he ws about to taste the 1st piece, i wil tel u within secs it turned to be exlamatory sign with shocks & surprises !! Full credits to me frm mah bro.. Yeppie i ws happy to serve him d 2nd rotti too. And i started to repeat the steps 1-5 again to make 2 more roties to me at the end of it shail's room mate Suvro has arrived n he ws also surprised to c me in kitchen.. The proud me ws happy to serve him too with my Very very spl sajjige rotti..He ws stunned n said Hey boy hw cld u make such a super dish haha Thts Varun's speciality buddy:) I ws again busy with steps 1-5 n this time its d final set for 2day bcaz ther ws no rava left. So within 15min my 2 roties were also ready n i had it within no time:)

Now its d time to tel my success story to mah Mom, within no time i called up home, dad tuk up n said Hi son wass up but d son wanted to tlk to mom very urgently! Okey cell got shifted to mom n i jus said " Mom i made Sajjige rotti, shailesh wil continue nxt!" Shailesh ws ther to tel my success story n i ws d hero for the day!!;-)

Guys if u wanna taste this delicious sajjige rotti frm me thn meet me on any weekends but haan pls come along with Bombay Rava as i m too lazy to rush to grocery shop to fill it back:)

Mood: Tired & Hungry!!


  1. Thanks for the recipe! Today morning I was searching for this in internet and ended up in your blog page!! Ah!!

  2. Grt!! I hope it came up well at your kitchen!! :)


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