My musings on the universe!

Mood: Thinking Logical & Scientific

In this universe every particle likes to spend its least energy or it wants to be free without any force or tension. Now the actual part. See the water drop, see the atoms of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, uranium etc, (of course you can’t see them. But at least imagine them!), earth, moon, stars, planets. What is the shape? Sphere! Spherical ball!!
Illustration: if you throw a cup of water from 3rd floor of a building, after a few distance water will spit into shape of small spherical ball…why?! It is because in that shape any particle will spend least energy. Imagine an atom, it is formed of p, n, e, mesons etc. They all combined to form a sphere shape. Think why it is not like a rectangle, square, triange etc??? Thus atoms, molecules, earth, moon, stars, even our whole universe is spherical in shape!!
We can compare this conclusion with that of Hubble’s saying that ‘the universe is like a balloon which encloses galaxies, stars etc which is expanding day by day. Balloon is also a sphere right...hey friends one can think that there might be several balloons which are enclosed in a room, in the same way there might be several universes like this or simply a set of universes, BUT all are spherical in shape!!!! Hmmm…. Is it a Universe theory and also spherical theory??!! Well I don’t know, you need to think about it!!

Hey, before I conclude I am getting an idea here. Anyway you are going to call these ideas as mad so I won’t hesitate to add one more mad matter!!

You all know that electrons, protons, neutrons[e,p,n] are building blocks of the atom. Now, consider a pencil, go on cutting it into smaller & smaller units, ultimately you will find atom, inside you will find electron,proton,neutron[e,p,n]…Now consider a small piece of finger nail, keep on cutting it smaller units, you will find atom, then again e,p,n…Now consider a living cell of your body[may be a mitochondria, blood cell or any other,keep on getting smaller and smaller units of it, ultimately we again get any atom which is again made up of e,n,p!!! what does it tell???!

All the living or non-living objects are made up of atoms and e,p,n are building blocks of atom, then how the life came for some objects and how they are living??!! The whole human body is made up of infinite number of p,n,e, the whole computer is also made of infinite number of those particles then why human is living and computer is non living object?! Or whether e,p,n have life in them??!! Whether a kind of orientations of those paricles gives life to objects??!! Then by some more research can we make a living computer, living pencil etc??!! Whether e,p,n, are really a living particles??!! Can we call books, pen and buildings as living?! Lot & lot of questions will arise if you think deeeeeeply inside matter…but no one has time to think anything in this mechanical life!

If you think beyond certain limits we will find many, many things like this which will really make you wonder about it, but no harm in thinking because great scientist Coulomb has said “Exploring science is to see what everyone has seen and to think what nobody else has thought”!!
Mood: Relaxed


  1. I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

  2. hahahahaha... dude wat hppnd to u suddenly hw cme u started wid this???!!!!!!!
    n btw u wrote so mny posts n tellin me now abt this...
    neways gud one(evn thgh i din get d head n tail of it :P .. :)

  3. wt is this new funda boss? seems to be interesting!!!!

    Keep it up!

  4. Very well designed blog! I though wonder you have any thoughts on global warming?


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