Space Technology: Is the Growth Pace Enough?

Mood: Scientific

Space research, development, space shuttles, mars, moon we keep shouting a lot, Nasa keeps shouts alot, India, China Russia everyone shouts we achieved so much in space bla bla bla but are we really IN?

Absolutely NOT! No doubts about the developments taken so far is just brilliant and amazing.. But is it enough compared to the mamouth size of universe.. err i dnt think so..

In 1975 we 1st landed on Moon which s remarkable but after tht its nearly 40 years but but what has happened aftr that? We r not yet able to reach out to the nearest plannet. we do not have the technology to reach out to Mars.

We r lacking in speed, we r lacking in safety, we are lacking in instruments and many more..

We could not even reach the plannets of our solar system then how can you even dream of knowing the species of outer space or life is other solar system?

Ya we say that we have the ultra modern radio stations we analyse signals which is reaching here from more than 100 million light years and there is no evidence of species etc etc but HANG UP! Listen here we are abalysing the radio signals reaching us from over 100million light years do you know the meaning of it????

1 light years means = the distance traveled by light in 1 year! and Light's speed is 3,00,000 KM /SEC!! Yes 3 lakhs KM/SECOND Just imagine how many KM light must have travelled in 1 year! And Just imagine if we are checking out the light rays which is originated 100million light years back!!! OMG can you imagine what I am trying to say? Its the possible size of our UNIVERSE.. and its still larger!!!

This universe is much much bigger than our imagination, we will never know what it is how it is and what t contains. We don't even know 0.0001% of this universe. Its a fact! Our science might look like too much advanced at one end but compared to universe our science is just negligible or we the human beings will never be able to know the entire mystery of the universe. Highly impossible! I bet.

If you conside the entire universe's size we r not even a drop of water..Our life time of 60-100 years is just nothing or even less than a sec compared to the life time of our universe..One thing we shld agree that Universe is beyond our imagination and whatever we say as light years radio signals etc might have covered just 10% of this universe which itself a very big distance for us.

Now tel me are we advanced to know anything out outer space? Dont you think our tech is so low that we did not reach out nearest planet and how can we say there is no life in this universe.

Humans now are like a frog inside a well which never knew what is the world beyond that well, we are just like that . Only thing we can do is boosting the imagination ya we can imagine very many things but the facts remain unchanged. What is the future of this world , Cant say but if we continue to ruin this world like this definately there will be an end to this world within 3000AC! WE HAVE TO LOOK FOR AN ALTERNATIVE HOME to accomodate the growing population.. Else we will eventually perish .

Just see a busy airport,railway station or even a busy road just see the how many people are intact such a big crowd can you compare this crowd to the bunch of ants when they reach out to 100 we see oh no there are so much ants what to do now.. same is the situation here. just overlook the people in these places. The species "HUMAN" is everywhere. Anywher you go we just see this . So how it goes ahead.. What is next? Can this earth accomodate everyone even aftr 200-300 years?

If you think seriously then it is appears to be a tough question.

The advancement in science which took place in a decande is unquestionable but the development in astrophysics is nothing lesser than a wonder but its nowhere ! we have pace up There is no other alternatives than finding an alternative!!!

But the real question of today is "Do we have the resource to achieve what we have to ?!" I leave the ans to the upcoming future!

Mood: Roaming somewhere very far!


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